The Salem and Hillsborough Railroad
Hillsborough, New Brunswick
Equipment Type |
Diesel-electric engine |
Operational |
Yes |
Built by |
Montreal Locomotive Works (MLW) |
Build date |
1959 |
Serial number |
Total length |
Tare weight |
109 tonnes (120 tons) |
Loaded weight |
1754 was built by Montreal Locomotive Works in 1959 for Canadian National. It was built as an 1800 HP locomotive
with four-wheel trucks and dynamic brakes, and was numbered CN 3847. In 1975 its trucks were replaced with six-wheel
A-1-A (center axle unpowered) trucks from CN 1702, which was being scrapped. The unit was derated to 1400 HP and
this, together with its lighter axle loading, made it suitable for branch line work.
After conversion, it initially served in Prince Edward Island, but subsequently worked in Cape Breton, southwestern
Nova Scotia and in the Rockingham yards in Halifax, N.S. In 1995 it was donated by CN to the C.R.H.A. (New Brunswick
Division) to replace RS-1 #208, which was lost in the 1994 fire.
It arrived at the S & H after a 12 mile journey. It traveled by road from the Moncton CN railroad shops to our
track crossing at Pine Glen Road, with the assistance of the following groups who donated their time and equipment.
Our thanks to:
- Irving Equipment Division of J.D. Irving Ltd.
- Industrial Trucking Division of Modern Enterprises Ltd.
- Department of Transportation Garage, Hillsborough
- NB Power
- NB Tel
- Moncton City Police
- Riverview RCMP
- Hillsborough RCMP
- Volunteers and friends of the S & H Railroad
You can see video(s) of 1754 in action on
our video page.
S & H 1754 at Hillsborough, June 22, 2002.
1754 at rest in Hillsborough.
1754 on her way to couple at Salem, after running around the consist.
Steve Hunter, a former S&H member, has graciously allowed us to post his pictures here. We are grateful for
the opportunity to show some of our equipment as it was before it came to the S&H.
1754 at night in Borden, PEI July 29, 1979. Photo copyright by Steve Hunter. Used with permission.
1754 crossing the Dunk River trestle near Emerald Junction, PEI, October 1985. Photo copyright by Steve Hunter. Used with permission.
CN 1754 on an S-curve near Colville, PEI, August 1985. Photo copyright by Steve Hunter. Used with permission.
CN 1754 in the Charlottetown, PEI yard, August 1983. 1755 and 70-tonner number 41 are also visible. Photo copyright by Steve Hunter. Used with permission.
Other photos can be found at:
- A Photo History of the Prince Edward Island Railway, Allan Graham, various pages
Back to rolling stock index
This page, maintained by Steve Boyko (email w e b s i t e @ s h r r . c a), was last
updated December 28, 2002.
All photos are the property of the Salem & Hillsborough Railway unless otherwise specified. You may copy
the photos for your own private non-profit use. Please contact us if you wish to use the photos for any
other purpose.